Posts in 1999-1997
Creativity by Design: A Character Based Approach to Creating Creative Play (pdf)

Joanna Bryson, in the AISB Symposium on AI and Creativity in Entertainment in April 1999.

Summary: another proto-BOD paper, talks about combining Edmund with another agent architecture, Ymir, in the context of virtual reality characters. More about SoL, Ymir and the project is in the “Dragons, Bats & Evil Knights” paper above; some of the technical details of implementing Edmund’s POSH architecture in SoL are in “Architectures and Idioms” paper also above.

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Agent Architecture as Object Oriented Design (postscript)

Joanna Bryson and Brendan McGonigle, presented in Agent Theories, Architectures and Languages 1997, and published in Intelligent Agents IV by Springer in 1998.

Summary: a proto-BOD paper, this describes developing behaviors and control scripts in a way similar to developing object hierarchies in OOD. Also mentions the way I have localized learning in the behavior libraries.

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