Posts in 2001
Embodiment vs. Memetics: Does Language Need a Physical Plant?

Joanna J. Bryson, from the Proceedings of the Workshop on Developmental Embodied Cognition (DECO 01).

I describe my model of how language connects to modular embodied intelligence in nature, and what this implies for AI. Just a position/review paper, no novel results, but good fun. Updated October, 2001. Er ... my revisions were made far too late to make the proceedings, but the original (pdf) isn’t very clear! There is now an even more revised version, see 2007.

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Intelligence by Design (pdf)

PhD Dissertation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.

Joanna Joy Bryson (postscript version). Warning: that version is 344 pages long, due to 140 pages of lisp code. I have broken the dissertation into its main text, code appendices and bibliography, (all in postscript), in the likely event you just want to read the text. You can also email me to ask for a copy of the printed Tech Report, which is paperback-like and doesn’t have the code. The files above are from the TR, which is clearer than the submitted dissertation (pdf). I also have had the Intelligence by Design Thesis Defense materials online since just after that 30 April 2001 defense.

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