Posts in 2006
A Dynamic Emotion Representation Model Within a Facial Animation System (pdf)

Emmanuel A. R. Tanguy, Phil J. Willis, and Joanna J. Bryson, The International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 3(3):293-300., 2006

This paper presents a Dynamic Emotion Representation (DER) model, its implementation and an instance of a full humanoid emotional model built with it. Penultimate draft version from May or June 2006. A longer version (which I think is more interesting though some terminology is wrong) is also a Bath technical report CSBU-2005-14, from November 2005

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The Attentional Spotlight (pdf)

Joanna J. Bryson, from Minds and Machines, 16(1):21-28, 2006.

Jon Dorbolo wanted someone to write about Dan Dennett and Cog, and apparently Dennett suggested me! This isn’t the usual kind of thing I write — it’s mostly anecdotes and amateur philosophy — but people like it. Talks about Cog’s first years, modular AI, philosophy of science, being a grad student, and a bit about memetics. Written in May 2005.

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