Posts in 2010
Flexible Latching: A Biologically-Inspired Mechanism for Improving the Management of Homeostatic Goals

Philipp Rohlfshagen and Joanna J. Bryson, Cognitive Computation, 2(3):230-241, 2010.

Discusses a simple add-on mechanism for dynamic plans to allow sensible ordering of high-level drives, and explains why this problem is different from detailed action selection. Lots of experiments, some maths and some discussion of the literature on cognitive control in natural and artificial intelligence. Associated software comes with the standard python/jython distribution of BOD.

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Crude, Cheesy, Second-Rate Consciousness (pdf)

Joanna J. Bryson, from the proceedings of Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS) 2010.

This is an update of the AISB update of the Vienna Consciousness paper. The next step should be a journal article. The title is a reference to a Dennett quote well worth knowing. The paper claims we already have conscious robots and it’s not that big of a deal. It also puts forward some cool ideas about the functional role of the action-selection-related process that we experience as consciousness.

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Cultural Ratcheting Results Primarily from Semantic Compression (pdf)

Joanna J. Bryson, from The Proceedings of Evolution of Language 2010, Smith, Schouwstra, de Boer & Smith (eds.) pp. 50-57.

Discriminates the size of a culture (how much information can be transmitted from one generation to the next) from its extent (how much useful behaviour can be generated) and argues that the vast majority of cultural ratcheting is because the size of human culture finally got large enough that cultural evolution could start increasing its extent.

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